
If you are infected with Hepatitis B & C, you can share your voice with us by joining our network by registering yourself.

The Empathy Network of People Affected by Hepatitis B & C is an attempt to deliver a platform that truly represents your experience with the disease. This Network aims to bring together people whose lives have been affected by Hepatitis B & C on a single platform where you can anonymously share your real life experiences, both positive and negative, how you coped with different challenges, and your feelings; We believe that your experiences could inspire others, garner emotional support and create more awareness regarding this disease amongst the network members, policy makers and community at large, thereby providing useful insights into lives of People affected by Hepatitis B & C.

This platform could also serve as opportunity for you to open up, and share your experiences along with other, anonymously. Your messages, stories and testimonials will help us flag the challenges and unmet needs of people affected with hepatitis B and C. It will help us in fine-tuning our advocacy interventions and in reaching out to the Policy makers, Government & Non-Government organizations to create a share your voice, flagging the unmet needs and the need for the awareness of Hepatitis B & C.

Once registered, your personal information will be kept confidential with us so that we can regularly share scientific updates and blogs posted on our we website to you by mail. Later, we would post your anonymous testimonials in the patient speak section on our project website that will enrich and drive of The Empathy Campaign.

The project plans to provide counselling services to you and your family and you would be invited for patient support group meetings held from time to time.

Please feel free to register and join our network and thereby help us in taking this initiative forward.

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