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There is dearth of studies on patients living with hepatitis and there are no systematic studies capturing the multi-centric data on knowledge, attitude and practices related to viral hepatitis. It is important to explore and systematically document the existing gaps in knowledge, attitude, practices, patient experiences, their pain and day to day challenges for necessary policy decisions. Further, there is dearth of research looking into qualitative aspects of the disease on patients living with hepatitis B and C. Therefore, it is important to understand and document the patient’s feelings, day to day challenges and the impact of the diagnosis on their everyday lives to integrate care and communication models in order to enable their integration and interaction in this culturally diverse context. In view of the above, it is ERC would conduct studies which systematically explore and document these aspects. These studies would also serve as baseline for prospective impact assessment at the end of the project. 

The studies would look into the following aspects:

  • The knowledge, attitude and practices related to viral hepatitis B&C in different target population identified under the project.
  • While accessing health care, people go through different matrix of dynamics before being prescribed the standard of care. Complexity of the matrix often complicates the outcome of the diseases. The studies would explore the various patient pathways in care seeking for Hep B and C and study the barriers to access to hepatitis related care and treatment.
  • Study the patient perceptions and treatment experiences related to viral hepatitis B and C and explore and document life experiences of patients living with hepatitis

Above-mentioned studies would provide useful insights to the scientific community and policy makers and may further guide in designing the interventions targeted towards people infected with hepatitis B and C both nationally and internationally.