Living with Hepatitis: The lives of people with Hepatitis B & C “The stigma of being infected with hepatitis B is the worst thing that can happen to a women, better to die than live with it” said a young women who was detected hepatitis B positive few months before child birth. Tens of thousands of such individuals have been rejected by the society, colleges, universities, employers and visa counselors, etc. To understand the real menace of hepatitis B and C, we need to look into the lives of people and understand the challenges faced by them. Often, the discovery of the disease or the beginning of the treatment can lead to significant changes in the lives of people infected and their families. Hepatitis B and C could impact a person’s life in ways that can change their values, beliefs, practices and meanings they give to life. Let us try to ‘live’, for a short while, the life of the people affected by Hepatitis B & C, and look into their fears and challenges.
Panelists: Swami Agnivesh, Prof. Jagadesh Kumar, Dr. Ashok Chauhan, Ms. Lata Krishnamurti, Shri Ram Kripal Singh, Dr. Rakhi Maiwall
Compere: Sh Shekhar Gupta
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